1998 Australian Schools Orienteering Championships

Evedon Ridge, Western Australia, 29-30 September

The Australian Schools Honour Team was named after the two days and contained:

Nathan Lawley QLD
David Meyer NSW
Kerrin Rattray SA
Darren Southwell ACT

Rachel Dickinson NSW
Grace Elson TAS
Naomi Francis SA
Zoe Radford SA

David Bourne ACT
David Brickhill-Jones TAS
Nick Hain ACT
Jamie Potter SA

Kathryn Ewels VIC
Rebecca Minty ACT
Anna Sheldon QLD
Amber Tomas SA



Junior girls (3.6 km)

1 Zoe Radford SA 33.03 2 Naomi Francis SA 37.25 3 Grace Elson TAS 38.52 4 Briohny Davey NSW 39.19 5 Fiona Middleton ACT 40.46 6 Rachel Dickinson NSW 41.54 7 Helen Sheldon QLD 43.09 8 Lucy McGarva NSW 46.34 9 Erin Post WA 46.43 10 Kathryn Barker VIC 49.32 11 Deborah Hay ACT 50.38 12 Shura Jones WA 52.08 13 Moira Goddard VIC 53.24 14 Anthea Barrow TAS 54.49 15 Belinda Harris SA 56.55 16 Mace Neve VIC 57.38 17 Catherine Murphy NSW 61.49 18 Jacqueline Wood QLD 63.20 19 Imogen Fry ACT 65.05 20 Sarah Nathan WA 68.13 21 Kay Willmore SA 83.13 22 Kristen Mair QLD 84.11 23 Leisa Whitlock QLD 85.02 24 Alexandra Sinickas VIC 97.19


1 South Australia 127.23 (Radford, Francis, Harris) 2 New South Wales 127.43 (Davey, Dickinson, McGarva) 3 ACT 156.29 (Middleton, Hay, Fry) 4 Victoria 160.32 (Barker, Goddard, Neve) 5 Western Australia 167.04 (Post, Jones, Nathan) 6 Queensland 190.40 (Sheldon, Wood, Mair)

Junior boys (4.0km)

1 Kerrin Rattray SA 27.21 2 David Meyer NSW 28.45 3 Darren Southwell ACT 28.57 4 Nathan Lawley QLD 29.19 5 Mitchell Le Fevre TAS 29.30 6 Adrian Jackson VIC 30.38 7 James Moore ACT 31.39 8 Peter Preston NSW 31.47 9 Peter Baker ACT 31.59 10 Christopher Davill SA 32.09 11 Steven Todkill NSW 33.09 12 Ian Anderson QLD 33.27 13 Stewart Greig WA 34.29 14 Matthew Schepisi VIC 34.31 15 Conrad Elson TAS 34.45 16 Julian Dent NSW 35.14 17 Oskar Booth ACT 35.23 18 James Allston TAS 36.07 19 Stuart Fell VIC 36.22 20 Lachlan Hallett SA 36.26 21 Aidan O'Brien VIC 36.29 22 Bart Seward WA 38.35 23 Michael Ashforth SA 38.38 24 Ivan Komyshan WA 41.01 25 Dane Cavanagh QLD 41.07 26 Nathan Keene QLD 42.14 27 Chris Ardley WA 72.17


1 ACT 92.35 (Southwell, Moore, Baker) 2 New South Wales 93.41 (Meyer, Preston, Todkill) 3 South Australia 95.56 (Rattray, Davill, Hallett) 4 Tasmania 100.22 (Le Fevre, Elson, Allston) 5 Victoria 101.31 (Jackson, Schepisi, Fell) 6 Queensland 103.53 (Lawley, Anderson, Cavanagh) 7 Western Australia 114.05 (Greig, Seward, Komyshan)

Senior girls (5.2km)

1 Kathryn Ewels VIC 45.47 2 Amber Tomas SA 46.05 3 Rebecca Minty ACT 46.10 4 Alitia Dougall QLD 48.33 5 Anna Sheldon QLD 49.03 6 Libby Schofield SA 51.08 7 Georgina Statham TAS 51.25 8 Nicola Woolford TAS 53.36 9 Joanne Scott QLD 53.50 10 Catherine Loye SA 54.45 11 Phoebe Dent NSW 57.42 12 Nadia Komyshan WA 58.09 13 Clemmie Thompson VIC 58.55 14 Kerrin Gale TAS 60.12 15 Vickie Saye ACT 60.46 16 Cassie Wade WA 60.51 17 Stephanie Wood QLD 62.50 18 Emily Hart VIC 67.28 19 Heather Lee NSW 69.41 20 Yelena Fairfax TAS 70.33 21 Serin Dabb ACT 70.53 22 Tanya Trevena NSW 73.25 23 Jenny Prime VIC 73.48 24 Katherine Radford SA 82.01 25 Claire McCamish WA 82.47 26 Naomi Denham NSW 83.58


1 Queensland 151.26 (Dougall, Sheldon, Scott) 2 South Australia 151.58 (Tomas, Schofield, Loye) 3 Tasmania 165.13 (Statham, Woolford, Gale) 4 Victoria 172.10 (Ewels, Thompson, Hart) 5 ACT 177.49 (Minty, Saye, Dabb) 6 New South Wales 200.48 (Dent, Lee, Trevena) 7 Western Australia 201.47 (Komyshan, Wade, McCamish)

Senior boys (5.5km)

1 Nick Hain ACT 35.43 2 David Bourne ACT 38.16 3 Damon Dickinson NSW 39.26 4 Andrew Macken NSW 39.32 5 David Brickhill-Jones TAS 39.41 6 Jamie Potter SA 40.09 7 Remy Jabas TAS 42.07 8 David Moran QLD 44.02 9 Matthew Seward WA 46.50 10 Ian Meyer NSW 47.18 11 Geoff Davis NSW 47.46 12 Simon Goddard VIC 47.57 13 Michael Elderfield WA 49.16 14 Andrew Dent VIC 50.36 15 Grant Keatley SA 50.38 16 John Nieuwenhoven SA 51.38 17 Ben Robinson TAS 52.01 18 Chris Sayers VIC 52.56 19 Peter Hawkins ACT 54.30 20 Michael Clark SA 54.36 21 Stephen Howe WA 56.11 22 Sam Wilson QLD 56.41 23 James Gunn TAS 58.46 24 Tristan Pollock QLD 58.55 25 Nicholas Spriggs QLD 60.34 26 Andrew Sherwood ACT 61.18


1 New South Wales 126.16 (Dickinson, Macken, Meyer) 2 ACT 128.29 (Hain, Bourne, Hawkins) 3 Tasmania 133.49 (Brickhill-Jones, Jabas, Robinson) 4 South Australia 142.25 (Potter, Keatley, Nieuwenhoven) 5 Victoria 151.29 (Goddard, Dent, Sayers) 6 Western Australia 152.17 (Seward, Elderfield, Howe) 7 Queensland 159.38 (Moran, Wilson, Pollock)

Individual pointscore

1 South Australia 22 2 New South Wales 21 ACT 21 4 Victoria 14 Tasmania 14 6 Queensland 12 7 Western Australia 7


Junior Girls

1 New South Wales 83.18 (Briohny Davey 28.57, Lucy McGarva 29.11, Rachel Dickinson 25.10) composite 86.28 (Grace Elson 23.06, Anthea Barrow 35.08, Catherine Murphy 28.14) 2 South Australia 90.02 (Naomi Francis 28.18, Belinda Harris 33.52, Zoe Radford 27.52) 3 Western Australia 100.25 (Erin Post 27.37, Sarah Nathan 36.02, Shura Jones 36.46) 4 ACT 101.34 (Fiona Middleton 27.48, Imogen Fry 37.24, Deborah Hay 36.22) 5 Victoria 111.46 (Moira Goddard 28.45, Kathryn Barker 54.10, Mace Neve 28.51) 6 Queensland 115.42 (Helen Sheldon 30.04, Jacqueline Wood 44.53, Kristen Mair 40.45) composite DNF (Leisa Whitlock 41.04, Kay Willmore 81.28)

Junior Boys

1 New South Wales 80.07 (David Meyer 24.34, Steven Todkill 28.31, Peter Preston 27.02) 2 Victoria 82.24 (Matthew Schepisi 26.57, Stuart Fell 29.36, Adrian Jackson 25.51) 3 ACT 85.10 (James Moore 27.34, Peter Baker 33.10, Darren Southwell 24.26) 4 Queensland 88.04 (Ian Anderson 25.01, Dane Cavanagh 37.09, Nathan Lawley 25.54) 5 South Australia 93.21 (Kerrin Rattray 24.30, Chris Davill 32.51, Lachlan Hallett 36.00) composite 100.41 (Julian Dent 25.37, Julian Jarvis 26.36, Peter Denham 48.28) composite 100.42 (Aidan O'Brien 27.07, Conan Prendergast 36.24, Hayden Lebbink 37.11) 6 Tasmania 103.28 (James Allston 25.24, Conrad Elson 51.40, Mitch Le Fevre 26.24) 7 Western Australia 104.05 (Ivan Komyshan 34.59, Bart Seward 40.28, Stewart Greig 28.38) composite DNF (Nathan Keen 35.12, Michael Ashforth 38.06, Chris Ardley DNF)

Senior Girls

1 Queensland 111.53 (Alitia Dougall 36.12, Joanne Scott 42.50, Anna Sheldon 32.51) 2 Victoria 113.04 (Clemmie Thompson 37.09, Emily Hart 47.10, Kathryn Ewels 28.45) 3 South Australia 116.30 (Catherine Loye 51.03, Libby Schofield 33.31, Amber Tomas 31.56) 4 Tasmania 121.30 (Kerrin Gale 36.33, Nicola Woolford 52.13, Georgie Statham 32.44) composite 121.34 (Penny Kane 35.55, Anna Tassell 49.20, Danielle Winslow 36.19) 5 New South Wales 126.07 (Heather Lee 37.39, Tanya Trevena 46.19, Phoebe Dent 42.09) 6 ACT 127.08 (Rebecca Minty 34.03, Serin Dabb 45.32, Vickie Saye 47.33) 7 Western Australia 132.57 (Nadia Komyshan 44.23, Claire McCamish 51.18, Cassie Wade 37.16) composite DNF (Stephanie Wood 36.22, Katherine Radford 47.02, Naomi Denham DNF)

Senior Boys

1 ACT 88.03 (Peter Hawkins 28.32, David Bourne 30.15, Nick Hain 29.16) 2 New South Wales 96.20 (Andrew Macken 30.34, Geoff Davis 32.55, Damon Dickinson 32.51) 3 Tasmania 103.18 (Remy Jabas 35.36, Ben Robinson 39.14, David Brickhill-Jones 28.28) 4 Queensland 105.55 (David Moran 31.31, Tristan Pollock 39.57, Sam Wilson 34.27) 5 South Australia 110.44 (Jamie Potter 27.53, John Nieuwenhoven 48.19, Grant Keatley 34.32) composite 112.08 (Ian Meyer 32.24, Brendan King 33.01, Nicholas Spriggs 46.43) 6 Western Australia 115.12 (Matthew Seward 29.33, Stephen Howe 41.14, Michael Elderfield 44.25) 7 Victoria 115.19 (Simon Goddard 35.15, Chris Sayers 43.10, Andrew Dent 36.54) composite 134.05 (Andrew McCarthy 35.08, Greg Flynn 59.20, David Stewart 39.37) composite 135.52 (James Gunn 42.02, Michael Clark 37.59, Patrick Saile 55.51) composite 147.31 (Andrew Sherwood 42.53, Robert Middleton 53.53, David Rhind 50.45)

Relay pointscore

1 New South Wales 23 2 ACT 18 3 Queensland 17 South Australia 17 5 Victoria 16 6 Tasmania 11 7 Western Australia 9

Total pointscore

1 New South Wales 44 2 ACT 39 South Australia 39 4 Victoria 30 5 Queensland 29 6 Tasmania 25 7 Western Australia 16