2003 Australian Schools Orienteering Championships

Wattle Gully/Mount Tarrengower, 30 September - 1 October

A New Zealand team was included in the competition. A separate Southern Cross Junior Challenge was conducted including New Zealand. New Zealand teams were not included in the points for the Australian Schools Championships.



Senior Boys

1 Ryan Smyth TAS 48.18 2 Hayden Lebbink VIC 49.21 3 Chris Naunton VIC 51.32 4 Lee Andrewartha TAS 52.58 5 Troy Merchant SA 55.27 6 Matt Parton NSW 55.36 7 Simon Uppill SA 56.03 8 Rob Fell VIC 56.42 9 Martin Peat NZ 56.52 10 Louis Elson TAS 57.16 11 Cody Whitfield WA 57.17 12 Murray Scown ACT 58.03 13 Rhys Challen WA 58.05 14 Matthew Hope TAS 58.06 15 Ben Radstaak ACT 59.30 16 David Reaburn VIC 61.48 17 Calvin Deacon QLD 62.22 18 Richard Glover NZ 63.09 19 Brett Merchant SA 63.16 20 Aaron Simson-Woods QLD 63.19 21 Daniel Orr NSW 63.31 22 Kieran Sullivan QLD 64.45 23 Alex Pentony Vran ACT 64.58 24 Simon Addison NZ 65.04 25 Matt Ryder QLD 66.37 26 Sam McNally NZ 69.44 27 Alexander Frank SA 69.51 28 Richard Pywell ACT 70.12 29 Shane Sutherland WA 73.58 30 Tim Denham NSW 74.31 Matthew Woodward NSW DNF


1 Victoria 157.35 (Lebbink, Naunton, Fell) 2 Tasmania 158.32 (Smyth, Andrewartha, Elson) 3 South Australia 174.46 (T.Merchant, Uppill, B.Merchant) 4 ACT 182.31 (Scown, Radstaak, Pentony Vran) 5 New Zealand 185.05 (Peat, Glover, Addison) 6 Western Australia 189.20 (Whitfield, Challen, Sutherland) 7 Queensland 190.26 (Deacon, Simson-Woods, Sullivan) 8 New South Wales 193.38 (Parton, Orr, Denham)

Senior girls

1 Hanny Allston TAS 42.37 2 Vanessa Round SA 52.50 3 Frances Peat NZ 53.37 4 Kellie Whitfield WA 54.11 5 Sophie Barker ACT 54.30 6 Jasmine Neve VIC 55.03 7 Zebedy Hallett SA 55.34 8 Ainsley Cavanagh QLD 57.05 9 Amy Gibbens QLD 58.49 10 Amber Morrison NZ 59.28 11 Jayne Shuker NZ 59.54 12 Emma Warren TAS 60.29 13 Rita Homes NZ 61.00 14 Melinda Jackson VIC 61.12 15 Amy Russell QLD 61.23 16 Katie Dose SA 63.24 17 Claire Dawson NSW 63.46 18 Clare Brownridge VIC 71.31 19 Hannah Skehan SA 73.33 20 Ceridwen Challen WA 73.37 21 Jess Smith TAS 73.50 22 Claire Stevens ACT 75.07 23 Andrea Slater VIC 75.24 24 Eleanor Haas TAS 75.54 25 Jill Harrap ACT 77.53 26 Kris Todkill NSW 83.16 27 Jayde Livingstone NSW 84.23 28 Maria Bernardi ACT 86.05 29 Claire Hawkins QLD 88.35


1 South Australia 171.48 (Round, Hallett, Dose) 2 New Zealand 172.59 (Peat, Morrison, Shuker) 3 Tasmania 176.56 (Allston, Warren, Smith) 4 Queensland 177.17 (Cavanagh, Gibbens, Russell) 5 Victoria 187.46 (Neve, Jackson, Brownridge) 6 ACT 207.30 (Barker, Stevens, Harrap) 7 New South Wales 231.25 (Dawson, Livingstone, Todkill)

Junior boys

1 Sebastian Froude NSW 34.58 2 James Sheldon QLD 37.04 3 Morten Neve VIC 37.15 4 Grant Erbacher ACT 38.03 5 Duncan O'Regan NZ 40.59 6 Liam Parton NSW 43.02 7 Ciaran Murphy NZ 43.17 8 Seb Woof TAS 43.24 9 Cameron Bailey-Price ACT 46.51 10 Joshua Roberts NSW 47.07 11 Peter Kleywegt TAS 47.42 12 David Kooymans ACT 48.16 13 Oliver Mitchell QLD 48.58 14 Geoffrey Stacey ACT 49.04 15 Paul Kappeler WA 50.23 16 Max Sankauskas SA 51.05 17 Tristan Lee SA 51.34 18 Alastair Long NZ 52.08 19 Nick Andrewartha TAS 53.03 20 Daniel Creely VIC 53.21 21 Simon Jager NZ 53.27 22 Hugh Mallen VIC 56.02 23 Andrew Caldwell VIC 56.15 24 Sean Hooper SA 56.16 25 Trystan Bennett SA 60.29 26 Simon Mee QLD 62.09 27 Ben Freese QLD 73.20 28 Anthony Brown TAS 77.33 Lloyd Barker-Smith NSW DNF


1 New South Wales 125.07 (Froude, Parton, Roberts) 2 ACT 133.10 (Erbacher, Bailey-Price, Kooymans) 3 New Zealand 136.24 (O’Regan, Murphy, Long) 4 Tasmania 144.09 (Woof, Kleywegt, Andrewartha) 5 Victoria 146.38 (Neve, Creely, Mallen) 6 Queensland 148.11 (Sheldon, Mitchell, Mee) 7 South Australia 158.55 (Sankauskas, Lee, Hooper)

Junior girls

1 Heather Harding ACT 31.26 2 Lizzie Ingham NZ 31.54 3 Rebecca Hembrow SA 32.56 4 Jessica Davis TAS 36.01 5 Sarah Dunnage WA 36.03 6 Emma Watson NZ 36.39 7 Georgia Whitla NZ 36.53 8 Ineka Booth ACT 38.34 9 Kim Van Netten NSW 38.51 10 Grace Burrill QLD 39.37 11 Aislinn Prendergast VIC 40.07 12 Tessa Ramsden NZ 41.52 13 Kendal Sutherland WA 41.59 14 Marissa Lee SA 42.05 15 Heather McDonald ACT 43.06 16 Julie Lawford ACT 43.26 17 Bridie Kean VIC 43.29 18 Lara Haas TAS 43.36 19 Jana Vitesnikova TAS 44.21 20 Brianna Ford VIC 44.24 21 Bridget Anderson QLD 45.20 22 Ruth Burrill QLD 45.41 23 Thea Richardson NSW 47.18 24 Olivia Knowles WA 50.32 25 Shannon Nicolson SA 50.59 26 Bronwyn Steele NSW 54.32 27 Louise Krstic VIC 55.49 28 Hannah James TAS 56.23 29 Lisa Stoeckel SA 62.14 30 Madeleine Lewin NSW 76.44 Julia Sullivan QLD DNF Teams 1 New Zealand 105.26 (Ingham, Watson, Whitla) 2 ACT 113.06 (Harding, Booth, McDonald) 3 Tasmania 123.58 (Davis, Haas, Vitesnikova) 4 South Australia 126.00 (Hembrow, Lee, Nicolson) 5 Victoria 128.00 (Prendergast, Kean, Ford) 6 Western Australia 128.34 (Dunnage, Sutherland, Knowles) 7 Queensland 130.38 (G.Burrill, Anderson, R.Burrill) 8 New South Wales 140.41 (Van Netten, Richardson, Steele)

Individual points - Australian Schools Championships

1 Tasmania 23 2 ACT 20 3= South Australia 19 3= Victoria 19 5 Queensland 12 6 New South Wales 11 7 Western Australia 6

Individual points - Southern Cross Junior Challenge

1 New Zealand 25 2 Tasmania 24 3 ACT 22 4 South Australia 21 5 Victoria 20 6= New South Wales 12 6= Queensland 12 8 Western Australia 6


Senior boys

1 Tasmania 120.31 Lee Andrewartha 45.13 Louis Elson 38.41 Ryan Smyth 36.37 2 South Australia 132.22 Alexander Frank 48.43 Simon Uppill 40.37 Troy Merchant 43.02 3 Western Australia 139.08 Cody Whitfield 42.27 Shane Sutherland 54.20 Rhys Challen 42.21 4 New South Wales 139.18 Matt Parton 42.19 Daniel Orr 48.45 Matthew Woodward 48.14 5 Victoria 147.54 Rob Fell 51.25 Chris Naunton 57.44 Hayden Lebbink 38.45 6 ACT 150.20 Ben Radstaak 55.59 Alex Pentony Vran 46.34 Murray Scown 47.47 mixed 155.30 Tom Statham 51.54 Richard Pywell 51.53 Matthew Hope 51.43 mixed 156.45 Brendan Marshall 48.47 David Reaburn 58.36 Steven Cusworth 49.22 7 New Zealand 157.08 Richard Glover 57.47 Simon Addison 48.56 Martin Peat 50.25 mixed 178.23 Gareth Williams 48.42 Sam McNally 65.33 Brett Merchant 64.08 mixed 185.44 Matt Ryder 51.56 Patrick Murphy 68.12 Peter Sheldon 65.36 Queensland DNF Aaron Simson-Woods 51.41 Calvin Deacon DNF Kieran Sullivan 54.26

Senior girls

1 Tasmania 132.14 Eleanor Haas 43.53 Emma Warren 53.41 Hanny Allston 34.40 2 South Australia 136.51 Zebedy Hallett 48.41 Katie Dose 44.51 Vanessa Round 43.19 3 New Zealand 146.13 Frances Peat 43.52 Rita Homes 42.45 Amber Morrison 59.36 4 Victoria 147.01 Clare Brownridge 49.15 Melinda Jackson 55.10 Jasmine Neve 42.36 5 ACT 153.06 Sophie Barker 39.16 Jill Harrup 55.05 Claire Stevens 58.45 6 Queensland 160.34 Amy Gibbens 46.11 Amy Russell 69.26 Ainsley Cavanagh 44.57 mixed 176.00 Hannah Skehan 46.14 Nicole Such 69.38 Rachel Edmonds 60.08 mixed 198.59 Jayne Shuker 44.17 Jess Smith 73.28 Ciara Turner 81.14 7 Western Australia 181.15* Ceridwen Challen 74.13 Kendal Sutherland 66.02 Kellie Whitfield 41.00 8 New South Wales 194.31* Kris Todkill 72.15 Jayde Livingstone 68.01 Claire Dawson 54.15 mixed DNF Maria Bernardi 70.54 Rosa Monsour 62.41 Claire Hawkins DNF (*) - started in 3rd leg mass start.

Junior boys

1 New Zealand 84.04 Duncan O'Regan 25.32 Ciaran Murphy 30.02 Simon Jager 28.30 2 New South Wales 85.49 Sebastian Froude 25.38 Joshua Roberts 30.46 Liam Parton 29.25 3 ACT 93.31 Geoffrey Stacey 32.47 David Kooymans 35.12 Grant Erbacher 25.32 4 South Australia 95.58 Tristan Lee 26.19 Sean Hooper 35.44 Trystan Bennett 33.55 mixed 96.35 Sam Monaghan 31.20 Alastair Long 32.32 Cameron Bailey-Price 32.43 5 Tasmania 97.04 Nick Andrewartha 36.00 Peter Kleywegt 32.39 Seb Woof 28.25 6 Western Australia 101.36 Paul Kappeler 26.18 Olivia Knowles 41.43 Sarah Dunnage 33.35 7 Queensland 106.52 James Sheldon 31.26 Oliver Mitchell 30.12 Simon Mee 45.14 mixed 127.18 Ben Freese 39.39 Jamie van Netten 44.57 Lloyd Barker-Smith 42.42 Victoria DNF Daniel Creely 39.57 Hugh Mallen DNF Morten Neve 29.04 mixed DNF Lachlan Fraser 36.11 Jared Cairns DNF Andrew Caldwell 28.21

Junior girls

1 ACT 72.53 Heather McDonald 27.25 Ineka Booth 23.07 Heather Harding 22.21 2 New Zealand 76.12 Georgia Whitla 23.55 Emma Watson 28.57 Lizzie Ingham 23.20 3 South Australia 82.28 Rebecca Hembrow 24.27 Shannon Nicolson 31.02 Marissa Lee 26.59 4 Queensland 86.02 Bridget Anderson 27.40 Grace Burrill 34.25 Ruth Burrill 23.57 5 Victoria 89.06 Aislinn Prendergast 30.11 Brianna Ford 33.45 Bridie Kean 25.10 mixed 90.06 Julie Lawford 25.42 Alice Moore 36.16 Hannah James 28.08 mixed 90.55 Lauren Stewart 28.40 Madeleine Lewin 35.38 Tessa Ramsden 26.37 6 Tasmania 92.57 Lara Haas 25.42 Jana Vitesnikova 38.17 Jessica Davis 28.58 7 New South Wales 100.17 Bronwyn Steele 28.41 Thea Richardson 35.26 Kim van Netten 36.10 mixed DNF Julia Sullivan 25.48 Lisa Stoeckel DNF Mallory Hughes 25.26 mixed DNF Alice Edmonds 26.17 Ceira Barr 38.45

Relay points - Australian Schools Championships

1 South Australia 23 2 Tasmania 20 3 ACT 19 4 New South Wales 15 5 Victoria 12 6= Queensland 10 6= Western Australia 10

Relay points - Southern Cross Junior Challenge

1 South Australia 25 2 New Zealand 23 3 Tasmania 22 4 ACT 21 5 New South Wales 16 6 Victoria 13 7 Western Australia 11 8 Queensland 10

Total points - Australian Schools Championships

1 Tasmania 43 2 South Australia 42 3 ACT 39 4 Victoria 31 5 New South Wales 26 6 Queensland 22 7 Western Australia 16

Total points - Southern Cross Junior Challenge

1 New Zealand 48 2= Tasmania 46 2= South Australia 46 4 ACT 43 5 Victoria 33 6 New South Wales 28 7 Queensland 22 8 Western Australia 17

Australian Schools Honour Team

Senior boys: Lee Andrewartha (Tas), Hayden Lebbink (Vic), Ryan Smyth (Tas), Simon Uppill (SA) Senior girls: Hanny Allston (Tas), Sophie Barker (ACT), Vanessa Round (SA), Kellie Whitfield (WA) Junior boys: Grant Erbacher (ACT), Sebastian Froude (NSW), Morten Neve (Vic), James Sheldon (Qld) Junior girls: Ineka Booth (ACT), Sarah Dunnage (WA), Heather Harding (ACT)