2004 Australian Schools Orienteering Championships

Tarcoola/Eastwood, New South Wales, 28-29 September

Team Results

Australian Schools Championships

1= ACT 40 1= Victoria 40 3 Queensland 34 4= South Australia 33 4= Tasmania 33 6 New South Wales 25 7 Western Australia 6

Southern Cross Junior Challenge

1 New Zealand 45 2= ACT 43 2= Victoria 43 4= Queensland 37 4= Tasmania 37 4= South Australia 37 7 New South Wales 27 8 Western Australia 6

Australian Schools Honour Team

Senior boys: Chris Naunton (Vic), Ryan Smyth (Tas), Simon Uppill (SA), Matt Parton (NSW) Senior girls: Heather Harding (ACT), Jasmine Neve (Vic), Vanessa Round (SA), Rebecca Hembrow (SA) Junior boys: Simon Mee (Qld), Tristan Lee (SA), Matt Barratt (Tas), Cameron Bailey-Price (ACT) Junior girls: Ineka Booth (ACT), Kylee Gluskie (Tas), Bridget Anderson (Qld), Alice Edmonds (Vic)


In the individual results, * denotes a reserve who does not contribute to team points.

Junior Boys (5.0km)

1 Jack Vincent NZ 35.38 2 Matt Barratt TAS 38.16 3 Tristan Lee SA 41.37 4 Andrew Peat NZ 42.27 5 Simon Mee QLD 43.33 6 Ciaran Murphy NZ 45.15 7 Cameron Bailey-Price ACT 45.32 8 Joshua Roberts NSW 46.48 9 Lloyd Barker-Smith NSW 46.49 10 Max Neve VIC 47.26 11 Hugh Mallen VIC 47.44 12 Matthew Harding ACT 48.02 13 Thomas Reynolds NZ 51.08 14 Ben Freese QLD 52.31 15 Robert McDonald ACT 53.05 16 Daniel Creely VIC 54.05 17 Jarrod Harvey QLD 56.27 18 Tom Dose SA 56.46 19 Gary Flynn QLD 57.21* 20 Peter Kleywegt TAS 57.38 21 Boadhan Gregory NSW 58.55 22 Kelsey Dougall QLD 59.20 23 Toby Clark SA 60.00 24 John Harvey TAS 60.06* 25 Dave Mallen VIC 61.07* 26 Anthony Brown TAS 61.12 27 Jamie van Netten NSW 63.14 28 Thomas Top VIC 64.53 29 Rory McComb SA 75.45 30 Mike Smith TAS 80.07 31 Sean Bruce ACT 93.47* 32 Daniel Worsley NSW 94.08* Lachlan Dow ACT DNF Luke Monaghan ACT DNF*


1 New Zealand 123.20 (Vincent, Peat, Murphy) 2 ACT 146.39 (Bailey-Price, Harding, McDonald) 3 Victoria 149.15 (Neve, Mallen, Creely) 4 Queensland 152.31 (Mee, Freese, Harvey) 5 New South Wales 152.32 (Roberts, Barker-Smith, Gregory) 6 Tasmania 157.06 (Barratt, Kleywegt, Brown) 7 South Australia 158.23 (Lee, Dose, Clark)

Junior Girls (4.0km)

1 Ineka Booth ACT 31.28 2 Bridget Anderson QLD 33.12 3 Kylee Gluskie TAS 34.56 4 Kirsty Turner NZ 37.05 5 Alice Edmonds VIC 37.31 6 Belinda Lawford ACT 39.18 7 Chanel Tobler TAS 39.26 8 Grace Burrill QLD 39.57 9 Kristen Walker ACT 40.06 10 Alice Moore ACT 41.28 11 Claire Darvodelsky NSW 41.32 12 Marissa Lee SA 41.34 13 Lara Haas TAS 41.46 14 Georgia Whitla NZ 42.14 15 Julie Lawford ACT 42.22* 16 Bronwyn Steele NSW 42.31 17 Ceira Barr VIC 42.43 18 Krystal Neumann QLD 43.03 19 Laura Bell SA 43.44 20 Thea Richardson NSW 44.05 21 Shannon Nicolson SA 44.10 22 Rachel Dunnage WA 45.26 23 Nadia Velaitis SA 45.36 24 Genevieve Knowles WA 47.04 25 Rebecca Snare TAS 48.10 26 Cara McDonald NZ 50.27 27 Louise Krstic VIC 50.51 28 Emily Prudhoe NSW 51.33 29 Aislinn Prendergast VIC 54.05 30 Julia Sullivan QLD 55.49 31 Claire Dinsdale NZ 61.07 32 Rebecca White WA 64.01 33 Tamara Orr NSW 65.47* 34 Jessica Niven VIC 97.53* Victoria Woolf QLD DNF Catherine Hewitt TAS DNF


1 ACT 110.52 (Booth, Lawford, Walker) 2 Tasmania 116.08 (Gluskie, Tobler, Haas) 3 Queensland 116.12 (Anderson, Burrill, Neumann) 4 New South Wales 128.08 (Darvodelsky, Steele, Richardson) 5 South Australia 129.28 (Lee, Bell, Nicolson) 6 New Zealand 129.46 (Turner, Whitla, McDonald) 7 Victoria 131.05 (Edmonds, Barr, Krstic) 8 Western Australia 156.31 (Dunnage, Knowles, White)

Senior Girls (6.0km)

1 Heather Harding ACT 48.47 2 Rebecca Hembrow SA 51.06 3 Jasmine Neve VIC 51.58 4 Vanessa Round SA 52.16 5 Claire Hawkins QLD 52.34 6 Lizzie Ingham NZ 53.48 7 Bridie Kean VIC 54.59 8 Clare Brownridge VIC 55.57 9 Rita Homes NZ 58.38 10 Ainsley Cavanagh QLD 58.59 11 Jess Davis TAS 59.22 12 Eleanor Haas TAS 59.34 13 Kendal Sutherland WA 60.16 14 Mallory Hughes SA 60.30 15 Emma Warren TAS 60.48 16 Sophie Barker ACT 61.28 17 Amber Morrison NZ 62.34 18 Ruth Burrill QLD 62.46* 19 Amy Gibbens QLD 65.25 20 Heather McDonald ACT 66.53 21 Kim van Netten NSW 67.33 22 Jana Vitesnikova TAS 68.20* 23 Jayde Livingstone NSW 69.08 24 Sarah Dunnage WA 69.11 25 Maria Bernardi ACT 71.44 26 Sarah Gray NZ 72.54 27 Laurina Neumann QLD 73.32 28 Jess Smith TAS 78.48 29 Lauren Stewart NSW 80.11 30 Annette Wilson WA 87.58 31 Sarah Denham NSW 96.12 32 Jessica Radstaak ACT 101.22* 33 Peta Johannsen SA 107.39 Janetta Davis VIC DNF


1 Victoria 162.54 (Neve, Kean, Brownridge) 2 South Australia 163.52 (Hembrow, Round, Hughes) 3 New Zealand 175.00 (Ingham, Homes, Morrison) 4 Queensland 176.58 (Hawkins, Cavanagh, Gibbens) 5 ACT 177.08 (Harding, Barker, McDonald) 6 Tasmania 179.44 (Davis, Haas, Warren) 7 New South Wales 216.52 (van Netten, Livingstone, Stewart) 8 Western Australia 217.25 (Sutherland, Dunnage, Wilson)

Senior Boys (7.5km)

1 Chris Naunton VIC 43.35 2 Louis Elson TAS 47.11 3 Ryan Smyth TAS 48.03 4 Simon Uppill SA 48.24 5 Rhys Challen WA 48.41 6 Matthew Parton NSW 49.12 7 Keiran Sullivan QLD 54.49 8 Steven Cusworth VIC 55.00 9 Alex Pentony Vran ACT 55.58 10 Sebastian Froude NSW 58.55 11 Grant Erbacher ACT 59.06 12 Geoffrey Stacey ACT 59.09 13 Morten Neve VIC 62.57 14 James Sheldon QLD 63.36* 15 Riki Cambridge NZ 64.00 16 Richard Pywell ACT 65.37 17 Wesley Dose SA 65.53 18 Paul Kappeler WA 66.10 19 Daniel Stott NZ 66.20 20 Rob Fell VIC 67.01 21 Tim Denham NSW 67.42 22 Tim Dawson NSW 67.48* 23 Nick Andrewartha TAS 69.30 24 Brett Merchant SA 69.43 25 Aaron Simson-Woods QLD 70.49 26 Sam McNally NZ 71.39 27 Matt Ryder QLD 74.12 28 Kris Colwell SA 75.24* 29 Robert Torley ACT 75.39* 30 Oliver Mitchell QLD 76.55 31 Richard Glover NZ 81.46 32 Tom Statham TAS 82.14* 33 Stephen Martin VIC 85.54* 34 Liam Parton NSW 91.25 35 Max Sankauskas SA 93.22* 36 Michael Roberts SA 101.21 37 Sebastian Woof TAS 103.26


1 Victoria 161.32 (Naunton, Cusworth, Neve) 2 Tasmania 164.44 (Elson, Smyth, Andrewartha) 3 ACT 174.13 (Pentony Vran, Erbacher, Stacey) 4 New South Wales 175.49 (M.Parton, Froude, Denham) 5 South Australia 184.00 (Uppill, Dose, Merchant) 6 Queensland 199.50 (Sullivan, Simson-Woods, Ryder) 7 New Zealand 201.59 (Cambridge, Stott, McNally) 8 Western Australia 114.51/2 (Challen, Kappeler)

Individual team points – Australian Schools Championships

1 ACT 23 2 Victoria 22 3 Tasmania 18 4 Queensland 17 5= South Australia 14 5= New South Wales 14 7 Western Australia 3

Individual team points – Southern Cross Junior Challenge

1 ACT 25 2 Victoria 24 3 Tasmania 20 4= Queensland 19 4= New Zealand 19 6 South Australia 17 7 New South Wales 16 8 Western Australia 3


Junior Boys

1 Tasmania 79.46 Peter Kleywegt 24.40 Anthony Brown 29.58 Matt Barratt 25.08 2 New Zealand 87.13 Andrew Peat 29.40 Thomas Reynolds 32.54 Jack Vincent 24.39 3 ACT 92.11 Matthew Harding 29.19 Robert McDonald 33.59 Cameron Bailey-Price 28.53 4 South Australia 95.30 Tristan Lee 29.10 Tom Dose 36.17 Toby Clark 30.03 mixed 97.23 Luke Monaghan 29.01 Sean Bruce 33.41 Lachlan Dow 34.41 5 New South Wales 100.52 Boadhan Gregory 33.37 Lloyd Barker-Smith 34.54 Josh Roberts 32.21 mixed 103.02 Rory McComb 40.16 Kelsey Dougall 30.01 Gary Flynn 32.45 6 Queensland 108.39 Simon Mee 28.03 Jarrod Harvey 32.39 Ben Freese 47.57 7 Victoria 108.41 Max Neve 39.47 Hugh Mallen 32.48 Daniel Creely 36.06 mixed 123.51 Ciaran Murphy 34.42 Thomas Top 38.17 Dave Mallen 50.52 mixed 128.52 Daniel Worsley 37.32 Jamie van Netten 42.10 John Harvey 49.10

Junior Girls

1 Queensland 85.39 Grace Burrill 28.15 Krystal Neumann 29.05 Bridget Anderson 28.19 2 ACT 85.55 Kristen Walker 30.26 Belinda Lawford 31.11 Ineka Booth 24.18 3 New Zealand 86.55 Georgia Whitla 29.15 Cara McDonald 31.24 Kirsty Turner 26.16 mixed 87.58 Tamara Orr 29.42 Emily Prudhoe 31.18 Rebecca Snare 26.58 4 New South Wales 88.42 Bronwyn Steele 31.59 Thea Richardson 28.42 Claire Darvodelsky 28.01 5 South Australia 92.51 Shannon Nicolson 30.34 Laura Bell 33.21 Marissa Lee 28.56 mixed 97.28 Julia Sullivan 28.46 Victoria Woolf 36.55 Julie Lawford 31.47 6 Victoria 107.58 Alice Edmonds 30.02 Louise Krstic 30.17 Ceira Barr 47.39 mixed 111.31 Aislinn Predergast 29.08 Jessica Niven 32.59 Alice Moore 49.24 mixed 111.55 Nadia Velaitis 41.43 Claire Dinsdale 33.38 Robyn Charlton 36.34 7 Western Australia 117.24 Genevieve Knowles 34.45 Rachel Dunnage 41.49 Rebecca White 40.50 Tasmania DNF Chanel Tobler DNF Lara Haas 32.03 Kylee Gluskie 25.22 mixed DNF Brianne Stewart 30.20

Senior Boys

1 Victoria 104.49 Steven Cusworth 36.07 Rob Fell 34.34 Chris Naunton 34.08 2 South Australia 111.57 Wes Dose 41.33 Brett Merchant 38.54 Simon Uppill 31.30 3 Tasmania 112.35 Nick Andrewartha 45.35 Louis Elson 34.45 Ryan Smyth 32.15 mixed 115.12 Paul Kappeler 40.18 Rhys Challen 33.57 Richard Glover 40.57 4 Queensland# 118.08 Keiran Sullivan 35.43 James Sheldon 34.54 Oliver Mitchell 47.31 5 New Zealand 120.45 Daniel Stott 39.28 Riki Cambridge 41.51 Sam McNally 39.26 mixed 134.22 Tim Dawson 39.48 Liam Parton 45.38 Phillip Watt 48.56 mixed 138.33 Max Sankauskas 51.14 Kris Colwell 43.44 Michael Roberts 43.35 ACT DNF Alex Pentony-Vran DNF Grant Erbacher 41.17 Geoffrey Stacey 42.52 New South Wales DNF Sebastian Froude DNF Tim Denham 40.16 Matt Parton 30.22 mixed DNF Robert Torley DNF Richard Pywell 40.08 Stephen Martin 43.00 mixed DNF Tom Statham 37.22 Sebastian Woof 44.18 mixed DNF Aaron Simson-Woods 45.53 Matt Ryder 42.18 # - ineligible for points due to an illegal replacement.

Senior Girls

1 New Zealand 94.31 Rita Homes 34.27 Lizzie Ingham 32.07 Amber Morrison 27.57 2 Queensland 94.43 Ainsley Cavanagh 31.36 Claire Hawkins 34.16 Amy Gibbens 28.51 3 Victoria 98.33 Clare Brownridge 33.33 Bridie Kean 34.05 Jasmine Neve 30.55 4 ACT 99.08 Heather McDonald 40.05 Sophie Barker 28.29 Heather Harding 30.34 5 South Australia 103.38 Vanessa Round 31.58 Mallory Hughes 40.58 Rebecca Hembrow 30.42 mixed 106.39 Janetta Davis 35.37 Laurina Neumann 37.32 Ruth Burrill 33.30 6 Tasmania 113.38 Eleanor Haas 36.35 Emma Warren 40.01 Jess Davis 37.02 7 New South Wales 126.27 Kim van Netten 33.11 Lauren Stewart 54.41 Jayde Livingstone 38.35 mixed 138.56 Jana Vitesnikova 44.09 Jess Smith 45.48 Peta Johannsen 48.59 8 Western Australia 149.46 Sarah Dunnage 32.59 Kendal Sutherland 35.31 Annette Wilson 81.16 mixed DNF Sarah Gray 35.38 mixed DNF Sarah Denham 51.45 Maria Bernardi 45.38

Relay team points – Australian Schools Championships

1 South Australia 19 2 Victoria 18 3= ACT 17 3= Queensland 17 5 Tasmania 15 6 New South Wales 11 7 Western Australia 3

Relay team points – Southern Cross Junior Challenge

1 New Zealand 26 2 South Australia 20 3 Victoria 19 4= ACT 18 4= Queensland 18 6 Tasmania 17 7 New South Wales 11 8 Western Australia 3