The Australian Orienteer

The Australian Orienteer, the national magazine of Orienteering Australia, is published four times each year – March, June, September and December. Subscriptions are available for members via State Associations.

Other Subscribers: Subscription form:
 AO-subscription form-Dec 2012.pdf
Advertise in the magazine - we offer very favourable commercial rates and special discount rates for Orienteering events - for all enquiries please contact the Editor - mikehubbert(at)  

The SEPTEMBER 2014 edition leads with coverage of WOC and JWOC as well as the AUS MTBO Championships held in Alice Springs, followed by a preview of the AUS Schools Championships with photos of State Team members. There’s articles on Coaching, Space Racing, Training supplements, the growth of Sprint O, Mapping, and Succession Planning for volunteers. And there’s more previews of the 2015 Oceania Championships and World Cup; and of the 2015 AUS Championships (or Dr Blake Mysteries).

Another one not to be missed. 



Best wishes from The Australian Orienteer and may you spike many controls in 2014.

The SEPTEMBER 2014 edition is with our graphic artist. Planned despatch to State Association distributors is 27th August.




Recent Editions:



















JUNE 2014

















 MARCH 2014





JUNE 2013



MARCH 2013



JUNE 2012

MARCH 2012

December 2011

September 2011

June 2011

March 2011

December 2010

September 2010

June 2010

March 2010

December 2009

September 2009

June 2009

March 2009

December 2008

                    September 2008

June 2008

March 2008

 December 2007

  September 2007

 June 2007




























































March 2007

December 2006

October 2006

June 2006

March 2006

December 2005


September 2005

June 2005

March 2005

December 2004