Development and Participation

National development strategies are implemented at a State level by local development officers. Except for a few events, participation in orienteering events in Australia is open to everyone. Major events require competitors to enter a few weeks in advance of the event, but most other events are enter on the day, with starts being available over a range of one or two hours. Annual programmes are developed at a State level, with championships being coordinated at a national level. For details of coming events follow the links to the State Association websites.

For more information on Development and Participation contact the Orienteering Australia Director (Development) or see the OA Board for further contact details.

 Development Resources

The Development Resources pages are designed to assist in the development and promotion of orienteering throughout Australia through resource sharing between Orienteering Australia and its state associations, clubs and members.

Development Resources include:

  • Minutes of meetings and News (below)
  • Attracting Participants and Advertising
  • Material for individuals new to orienteering
  • Beginners Coaching Tips,
  • National Orienteering Day,
  • Orienteering videos,
  • Schools Orienteering,
  • Grants (please ask), and
  • Sponsorship

Club Development Network

As well as this site, state associations, clubs and members are strongly encouraged to register with the Australian Sports Commission’s Club Development Network.

Membership is free, and the government initiative aims to assist associations and clubs develop and manage their clubs. Further information, although not necessarily specific to orienteering, related to many topics on this site is available.

Go to the Club Development webpage.

Development Committee Minutes

Development meeting minutes April 2006

Development meeting minutes Oct 2006 (PDF - 84 kb)

Development meeting minutes April 2007 (PDF - 73 kb)

Development News

Development News is a compilation of correspondence (mainly quarterly updates) between Orienteering Australia and its member states relating to Development and Participation issues. It includes discussions of ideas, successes and sharing of information.

Development Correspondence 10th June 2006 as well as Appendix 1 and Appendix 2

Development Correspondence 6th Septemeber 2006

Development Correspondence 17th February 2007 (PDF - 44kb)

Development Correspondence 6th November 2007 (PDF - 67kb)

Development Correspondence 7th February 2008 (PDF - 85 kb)

Development Conference

Agenda, papers and information for Development Conferences are kept below.

2006 - York, WA: Conference Information (PDF - 14kb); Agenda and Papers (PDF - 1.35Mb) and OT paper (PDF - 21kb)

2007 - Canberra, ACT: Development Conference Report (PDF - 72kb) and Development Conference invite (PDF - 33kb)

COPYRIGHT STATEMENT: All intellectual property in relation to the material on the Orienteering Australia website is owned by, or is licensed or assigned to, Orienteering Australia.   You are permitted to copy or reproduce information on this site without alterations for your own private use.  You must not use any of the information on this website for any other purpose, including for commercial use, without the prior written consent of Orienteering Australia or any other party which has the authority to give that consent.