Managing Environmental Issues in Orienteering

 This page is designed to include resources relating to the management  of Orienteering in National Parks and Nature Reserves. The intent is to provide information to land managers and orienteers as to existing agreements, and to highlight recent activity in this area. The resources are available in pdf format by clicking on the links below.

Agreements with Landholders

  • An agreement between Orienteering Queensland and the Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service is available from the QPWS website.
  • An agreement between the Orienteering Association of NSW and Forests NSW. The agreement sets out the application and approvals process for gaining access to forests, as well as stipulating the applicable fees and conditions of use, and is a cooperative effort between OANSW and FNSW. The agreement may be downloaded as a pdf document here.

Submissions to Landholders 

  • In 2005, Environment ACT released a draft plan of management for recreation in Namadgi National Park. There were a number of submissions by orienteers into this draft plan. Submissions from OACT and Bob Mouatt are available here. The final plan will be released later in 2006.