MTBO Squad Newsletter Thursday, 24 February 2011 February 2011
Australian Team for MTBO WOC and JWOC - selection nominations Thursday, 24 February 2011 Nominations for the Australian MTBO WOC & JWOC team are due BEFORE March 1.
MTBO National Rankings for 2010 Tuesday, 22 February 2011 Multiple World Champion Adrian Jackson and Australian team member Mary Fien were our top ranked MTBO riders for 2010.
Squad Update Sunday, 14 February 2010 #1 2010
Israel Maps Tuesday, 9 June 2009
2009 MTBO Squads Monday, 22 December 2008
Adrian Jackson in top form Saturday, 24 May 2008 Mountain Bike Orienteer Stars in Alice Springs MTB enduro
National MTBO Standings Monday, 19 May 2008
Australian Team for MTB WOC 2008 in Poland Sunday, 27 April 2008
National MTBO Series Standings Tuesday, 22 April 2008 The First National MTBO Series Rolls Out in Victoria

Squad Update

Sunday, 14 February 2010

Hi all
The WOC Bulletin 2 for Portugal is now on the Portugal website with lots of good information.
Note that the rules only allow you to go off track if you carry your bike off the ground.
Items I would like replies to:
1) Everyone.  (This will be a check that all are receiving these emails.)
Would you be interested in a 3 day tr camp in Canberra immediately after Easter??
This wouldnt just be open for team members but would be an opportunity for juniors and others to get together and do some intense mtbo over the time.  ie Tues, Wed and Thurs.
Please reply Yes, No, Maybe
2) Everyone.  Team riding uniform.  Stay with the Cycling Australia design or do another?
3) Everyone   If you record your training electronically on 'attack point" or similiar, please forward me your user name so I can follow your training.

Those that have been to WOC before please give me your opinion on:
3) Should we book Hotel (E40pp); Pension (E30) or Private House (E25) accommodation.  If we are looking at the Hotel we would need to get in early.
4) Re WOC - car hire.  Any suggestions on the type?
Well the trials are only about 7 weeks away, so I hope everyone is making transport arrangements etc.
See mountain devil website for info, photos and old maps = http://mountaindevils.nsw.orienteering.socialfx.net/
More importantly you should be doing some map reading training at this time, as that is the crucial ingredient for MTBO.  Most states have few or no races before the trials so some improvisation is needed to get you race ready. 
You MUST train with your mapboard and mapreading at least once a week.  
- Preferably get to a mtbo area, and get someone to give you a course to do.  Even better get someone to shadow you also at this time, as this adds a little pressure.
- Next best use a street directory of your city and again get someone to set you courses around it.  Obviously you cant go flatout in this situation, but you will get good practice in having quick looks at your map and developing good map memory.
- At worst just use mtbo maps from anywhere and find a quiet road, outdoors velodrome, or quiet suburban road circuit and practice doing route choices while riding hard.   Incorporate this into an interval session.  Maybe 1km hard and 20-30 secs recovery whilst looking at one or two legs.  Repeat 10 times then while cooling down have a 2nd look at each leg and see if you made the correct choice and look at what other options there were.
You could print off o/s maps to use or ask your local mtbo club or association for maps or ask to lend mtbo maps of nearby riders.
Physical training wise:
1) do some hill intervals as the trials will be undulating to hilly.
2) practice racing or riding hard for the 2 race lengths  ie
      M/W20 = 40-50 for middle, 70-90 for long
      M/W21 = 50-60        "       90-110 for long
See attachments for:
Final 2009 National Rankings list 2009NatRankOAOld.xls
2010 planning calendar 2010 Event Calendar Blankish.doc
National series dates, places and scoring system. 2010 New National MTBO Series (EM) .doc
Dietary article Dietary advice.htm

After WOC event - foot O I think,
Dear O-friends,  
we'd like to inform you that in 2010 Slovenian 5 day event OO.cup will
be organized in attractive alpine region of Velika planina and Zgornja
Savinjska valley from July 24 to July 28. Like always you can expect
quality orienteering in magnificent natural surroundings. For
invitation, pictures and map samples please check www.oocup.com

Please note that only one week before, that is from July 17 to July
19, we will organize a 3 day event called Xtremor in vicinity of
Adriatic sea. This is an event with slightly different concept, meant
strictly for orienteering gourmets. All about it you can read at:

Between Xtremor and OO.cup feel free to enjoy the sea, the Alps or
even more technical orienteering provided on our trainings (more info
to follow at: www.orienteering.si)
Updates will be forwarded regularly now I finally have the squad list
Kay Haarsma   08 83370522 (h)  08 82582070 (w)